Friday, April 27, 2012

R4 3DS Card never brick Nintendo 3DS console

Many players asked whether the R4 3DS card will brick their 3DS console. As Nintendo is beating the flashcard, they claimed on the official website: “the R4 card will brick the 3DS console, so never use it”. This voice swashed many 3DS users. They are afraid that their expensive 3DS console will be damaged by the cheap R4 3DS card…… So,  Will R4 3DS card really damage the 3DS console? The answer is never!

R4 3DS card working theory

How does R4 3DS card hack Nintendo console? Well, it simulate the original process to run games or multi-medias.. While the 3DS card is insert into the slot-1 port, the 3DS console will consider the R4 3DS card to be original flashcard, and accept it. If the 3DS firmware updated but R4 3DS card not, the old R4 3DS card can’t be recognized by the console, and stopped by toll-gate, but never brick the console.

R4 is safe for DS/DSi, and R4 3DS is safe for 3DS console

As we know, the R4 card runs well in Nintendo DS and DSi console. Since 2008, R4 DS born, it is very popular in Nintendo world. Millians of players used the R4 card, none of them find the bricking problem. The R4 3DS card working process is 100% same as R4 card. So if R4 is safe for DS and DSi console, obviously the R4 3DS card is safe for 3DS console.

R4 3DS software is safe for Nintendo 3DS console

All R4 3DS software is put inside the MicroSD card. It contains 3 files: “r4.dat” for game kernel, “moonsh12” for media kernel, “r4imenu” for theme DIY. These files are 100% safe for the TF card and 3DS console. Even you don’t belive these files, they are only left on the TF card, and never affect your console. And you can format the MicroSD card at any time.

No 3DS console is bricked by R4 3DS card before

Since Feb 26th, 2011, we have sold R4 3DS card for more than half year, thousands of players are using the R4 3DS card, but we never hear of the bricking problem. So take easy to use it. We always promise:
R4 3DS card is 100% safe for 3DS console!

1 comment:

  1. The R4 team offers a wide selection of linkers 3ds and micro SD memory cards: R4, R4i etc.
