Friday, April 27, 2012

Different Functions Of Acekard 2i

Now acekard 2i is well known for its varied functions. Its features and specifications are backing a desireable functions in the devices. Now acekard2i is getting popular for supporting NDSi, NDSL and NDS. You can never lose data while using acekard 2i. Now Acekard 2i writes directly to the save file on your MicroSD card. You will not requie to manually select save types nor battery now anymore. Acekard2i enables the save files compatible with other flash carts. You must ensure that the save file should keep the same prefix name, and also storing it into the same directory of file. Afterwards you can just run the software to use new save file.

Acekard2i is famous for its deliverance of perfect compatibility. You should know that acekard2i contains the best quality of acekard’s products in the market. You can simply drag and drop software onthe micro SD card for playing. You will also notice that acekard2i takes time on the first boot for the creation of save file. And the loader time after the save file is created is very fast also. Now acekard2i is quite compatible with all homebrews due to its dldi auto patcher. Moonsheel is also one of the homebrew software on DS which you can use for multimedia purposes.

You just copy the homebrews to the micro sd card and then play it. Now watching movies, listening mp3′s, reading TXT novel on DS is more easy to do. Acekard 2i card enables the placement of homebrews to the root of the micro sd card for best compatibility. Acekard2i supports SDHC MicroSD card, and offering unlimited space for you. You can also copy all your favorite software, songs, and movies to single micro sd card now. It can also support any brand of micro sd card. While using acekard2i you need not to worry about the speed ofthe micro sd card. It also supports action replay cheats in various other formats like.dat, .xml and .cc format. You can select how to use AR cheats by using the build-in editor now.

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