Friday, July 6, 2012

Set up R4i Gold 3DS card

Who is the real r4i gold 3ds flashcart
R4i gold 3DS flashcart is one of the most popular flashcart for your DS, DSi or 3DS.  You may know a lot of flashcards called r4i gold, this one which i recommend is from team. This is the only r4i 3ds flashcart which uses the wood firmware.  If you want to buy a r4i card for your 3DS or DSi, please buy this one. Do not buy other clones or bad cards,  more detailes about this card, just check the r4i gold here. As you know, the DSi firmware recently has been updated to V1.44, and 3DS has been updated to V4.0.0-7,  this r4i gold card can work on it prefectly. r4i gold has excellent game and homebrew compatibity, it nearly supports all the DS games and most popular homebrews.

How to tell if my r4i gold is real or fake?

If is very easy to check whether the r4i gold is real or fake.  The r4i gold 3ds from official team is using the wood firmware, and just take a look at the packge, the official site is printed in the package,  Make sure the official site is , not from other site. and another,  the real r4i gold 3ds card uses the wood firmare, so you can just download the latest wood  firmware and check whether ti works with your flashcart.

How to use the r4i gold 3ds card on my 3DS V4.1.0-8?

At first,  you need to make sure the 3ds flashcart you receive is a preflashed one and can work on the latest 3DS firmware V4.1.0-8. If not, you need to update your r4i gold card first. Actually a lot of resellers are selling the pre-update flashcard which means you can just use it when you receice  it, don’t need to update it by yourself.
So when you receive the card and confirm the card is already flashed to support your console.let’s get it started.
Step1:  You need to downlaod the latest wood firmware V1.47 from the official site. After you download the firmware, just extract it and put all the files in the root of your sd card.  make sure to put it in the correct path.
Step2:  Just put some game roms in your Sd card., you also can create some folders for different games.
Step3:  After ready for the firmware and games. insert the SD card and the r4i gold into your 3DS console. Power on the console.
Step4: You will see the wood menu and then just access to choose the game want to play. very easy and convenient.

why to choose this r4i gold 3ds card?
There are so many different flashcarts in the market, why i should choose this one. there are so many r4 cards, why this one is better. well.  with wood firmware, r4i gold has been confirmed to be one of the best flashcards for your 3DS, with wood firmware, it nearly can support all the games. wood firmware updates very frequently, which means can provide more nice features and more games, once the new DSi or 3DS firmware releases, r4i gold from r4ids,cn can usually support it in the first time, so if you only want to play games,. this card is your best choose.

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